explain sex-linked genes

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1 Answer

Many genes are found only on the X and Y chromosomes. They are called:

Sex-linked genes:
X-linked genes are found on the sex X chromosome and inherited from the maternal side. Fathers only pass on their Y chromosome to their sons, so no X-linked traits will be inherited from father to son. Females express X-linked disorders when they are homozygous for the disorder. They carry both genes. . Just like X-linked inheritance, there will be a lack of male-to-male inheritance, which makes it distinguishable from autosomal traits. One example of a X-linked trait is Coffin-Lowry syndrome, which is caused by a mutation in ribosomal protein gene. This mutation results in skeletal, craniofacial abnormalities, mental retardation, and short stature.
 For people with disorders like trisomy X, where the genotype has three X chromosomes, X-inactivation will inactivate all X chromosomes until there is only one X chromosome active. X inactivation is not only limited to females, males with Klinefelter syndrome, who have an extra X chromosome, will also undergo X inactivation to have only one completely active X chromosome.

Y-linked inheritance occurs when a gene, trait, or disorder is transferred through the Y chromosome. Since Y chromosomes can only be found in males, Y linked traits are only passed on from father to son. The testis determining factor, which is located on the Y chromosome, determines the maleness of individuals. Besides the maleness inherited in the Y-chromosome there are no other found Y-linked characteristics.

Cats carry coat color on these genes. A cat with white, red and black colors is female. Or she could be red and black with no white. She carries a black gene and a red gene and bothare expressed on the X. Males only have one X and so will be only red or black not both.



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