in the from of cells

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- Usually in the form of chromatin

- Contains genetic information

- Composed of DNA

- Thicken for cellular division

- Set number per species (i.e. 23 pairs for human)


Nuclear membrane

- Surrounds nucleus of the cell

- Has two layers

- Is semi-permeable allowing only certain material in and out.



- Control center of the cell.

- Holds the genome of genetic material (DNA).  



- Involved in cellular division

- Help in the process of mitosis



- Found in plant cells and other autotrophs

- Contain green chlorophyll material and thylakoid discs

- The site of photosynthesis



- Composed of microtubules

- Gives the cell structure and shape

- Helps with cell movement and cell to cell communication


Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

- Membrane network that runs throughout the cell

- Runs through cytoplasm onto cell membrane

- Stores materials, separates the cell and transports materials throughout the cellransport system

- Smooth ER lacks ribosomes

- Rough ER has ribosomes embedded in the membrane surface


Golgi apparatus

- Is known as the protein packaging plant

- Found near the nucleolus

-Sorts proteins for transport to other parts of the cell

- Made up of various membrane layers



- Contains digestive enzymes which break down proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates

- Carries undigested material to the outer cell membrane for removal from the cell

- Digestive enzymes can cause cell damage if the lysosome is damaged or ruptures



- Second largest organelle

- contains it’s own unique genome, different from the nuclear DNA

- Double-layered outer membrane with inner folds called cristae

- Energy-producing chemical reactions of cellular respiration take place on cristae

- Controls level of water and other materials in cell




- Site of protein synthesis

- Made up of RNA complexes

- Accounts for 25% of each cell's mass

- Can be found embedded in rough endoplasmic reticulum

- Mobile ribosomes inject proteins directly into cytoplasm



- Large Membrane sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal

- Filled with a water solution

- Contractile vacuoles are used for water removal (in unicellular organisms)


Cell wall

- Most commonly found in plant cells

- Controls turgity

- Extracellular structure surrounds the plasma cell membrane

- Primary cell wall is elastic in nature allowing for cell growth.

- Secondary cell wall forms around the primary cell wall after growth is complete


Plasma membrane

- Outer membrane of cell that controls cellular traffic

- Semi-Permeable allowing only certain things in and out

- Protein channels and receptors are found embedded in the membrane allowing materials to pass in and out.

- Membrane is made up of a phospholipid bi-layer.

by Level 3 User (8.5k points)

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