deference between mitosis and Meiosis

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7 Answers

Mitosis is cell division that results in 2 daughter cells which have the same DNA, number of chromosomes, and will go through the cell cycle until it instructed to divide again.

Meiosis is also a cell division process but unlike mitosis, special cells called gametes are created in meiosis. Gametes contain only half of the chromosomes as they are reproductive cells.  The specialized gametes are used for reproductive purposes of the organism.


In mitosis, one cell (call the the mother cell) duplicates, resulting in two idenctical cells (unless there was some kind of problem). It has only four actual phases, as interphase isn't an actual phase of mitosis. The phases are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase. If the first cell was diploid, the second will also be diploid.

In meiosis, there's two parts: meiosis I and meiosis II. In meiosis I, one cell duplicates, resulting in two cells. In meiosis II, both of those cells duplicate, resulting in four cells. These cells, called gametes, are haploid. The total stages of meiosos are prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II

by Level 2 User (2.9k points)
the difference between mitosis and meiosis is that with mitosis you get two daughter cells and with meiosis you get four.
Mitosis is used to make body cells and

meiosis is used to make sex cells

difference* of mitosis and meiosis:


  • divides in two
  • the two daughter cells are identical (genetically)
  • the centromeres holding the chromatids together in to chromosomes separate and each daughter cell gets half the chromosomes.


  • divides in four
  • the two daughter cells may not be genetically identical b/c of chiasmata (the male and the female chromosomes trade info) before the "split"
  • the centromeres do not split (at least until anaphase one)

finally, mitosis means asexual reproduction and meiosis is sexual...



Asexual reproduction just involved mitosis and creates an identical copy of the cell (genetically identical diploid cell). On the other hand meiosis produces 4 genetically different haploid cells. These cells must then mate with another gamete (from another parent perhaps) in order to create an offspring which is genetically different.

i got this off this website: smiley

i need a answer of my question within 2 days.thank you.

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